
Fremdsprachige Romane


Stadtbibliothek Göppingen
1. OG - Sprachen
Autor:Eberlen, Kate
Titel:Only you
Verfasserangabe:Kate Eberlen
Erschienen:London : Pan Books, 2020. - 413 Seiten
Preis:11,60 Euro
Standort:Englisch Eber
Annotation: A love story told in three parts - past, present, future - from the author of Miss You. One person is all it takes to change a lifetime . . . But how will you know if they're the one? Present Letty and Alf are the only English speakers at an Italian class in Rome, where they discover the language that really connects them is dance: Letty's first love was ballet, while Alf was a junior ballroom champion. They come from different worlds, until the moment they waltz around the Piazza Navona, and everything changes. Past But one moment can't change the past, and it's clear that Alf and Letty still have their secrets. What caused them to leave their lives behind in England? And who, or what, are they running from? As their relationship deepens, it becomes harder and harder to tell the truth . . . Future When the unthinkable happens, Letty returns to London and Alf to Blackpool. Will they spend their lives apart, or discover a future together?


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