
Fremdsprachige Romane


Stadtbibliothek Göppingen
1. OG - Sprachen
Autor:Rose, Karen
Titel:Quarter to Midnight
Verfasserangabe:Karen Rose
Erschienen:First published in paperback - London : Headline, 2023. - 614 Seiten - 20 cm
Preis:11,50 Euro
Standort:Englisch Rose
Annotation:Rocky Hebert stirbt kurz vor Mitternacht in New Orleans. Die offizielle Version lautet Selbstmord, doch Rockys Sohn Gabe glaubt nicht daran und heuert einen Privatdetektiv an. Unterstützung erhält er auch von PI Molly Sutton. Langsam kommen sie der Wahrheit näher - und dem Killer. Rocky Hebert walks into his death at quarter to midnight one New Orleans night. His son Gabe cannot accept the official verdict of suicide and enlists the help of the Burke Broussard Private Investigation Agency to discover the real cause of death. PI Molly Sutton knows what it's like to lose a father in tragic circumstances and will go to any lengths to crack the investigation, as she tries to fight off her growing feelings for Gabe. They soon realise Rocky was working on an investigation of his own; one that threatened to expose the deep corruption going all the way to the top of the police department. And that the key to the puzzle lies with a young witness to a murder that happened years earlier: Xavier Morrow. Just what did Rocky know? And who might have shut him up? As they get closer and closer to the truth, they realise that the killer is not going to stop at Rocky. And that Xavier is in very real danger. Someone will go to any lengths to protect what he witnessed that night coming out...


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