
Fremdsprachige Romane


Stadtbibliothek Göppingen
1. OG - Sprachen
Autor:McDermid, Val
Titel:Still Life
Reihe/Zeitschrift:(Karen Pirie ; 6)
Verfasserangabe:Val McDermid
Erschienen:London : Little Brown Books, 2020
Preis:18,50 Euro
Standort:Englisch McDer
Annotation:When a body is pulled from the sea, Karen must reopen a case from a decade before, drawing her into a sinister world of betrayal and dark secrets. 'The bodies never stay buried forever . . .' On a freezing winter morning, fishermen pull a body from the sea. It is quickly discovered that the dead man was the prime suspect in a decade-old investigation, when a prominent civil servant disappeared without trace. DCI Karen Pirie was the last detective to review the file and is drawn into a sinister world of betrayal and dark secrets. But Karen is already grappling with another case, one with even more questions and fewer answers. A skeleton has been discovered in an abandoned campervan and all clues point to a killer who never faced justice - a killer who is still out there. In her search for the truth, Karen uncovers a network of lies that has gone unchallenged for years. But lies and secrets can turn deadly when someone is determined to keep them hidden for good . . . Hummerfischer ziehen einen Toten aus dem Meer und die örtliche Polizei stellt fest, dass es sich um den Hauptverdächtigen in einem 10 Jahre alten Entführungsfall handelt. Karen Piries Name steht auf der Fallakte und sie rollt den Fall neu auf.


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