
Fremdsprachige Romane


Stadtbibliothek Göppingen
1. OG - Sprachen
Autor:George, Elizabeth
Titel:A Banquet of Consequences
Reihe/Zeitschrift:(Inspector Lynley ; 19)
Verfasserangabe:Elizabeth George
Erschienen:London : Hodder & Stoughton, 2015. - 552 S.
Preis:28,00 Euro
Standort:Englisch Geor
Annotation:Die Schriftstellerin Clare Abott wird in ihrem Hotelzimmer in Cambridge tot aufgefunden und ihre Freundin und Lektorin Rory Statham ist davon überzeugt, dass es Mord war. Barbara Havers wird mit dem Fall betraut und stößt bei ihren Ermittlungen auf einen Gegenspieler, der einem perfiden Plan folgt. The suicide of William Goldacre is devastating to those left behind. But what was the cause of his tragedy and how far might the consequences reach? Is there a link between the young man's leap from a Dorset cliff and a horrific poisoning in Cambridge? Following various career-threatening misdemeanours, Detective Sergeant Barbara Havers is desperate to redeem herself. So when a past encounter with bestselling feminist writer Clare Abbott and her pushy personal assistant Caroline Goldacre gives her a connection to the Cambridge murder, Barbara begs DI Thomas Lynley to let her pursue the crime. Soon, Lynley finds himself investigating the London end of an ever more darkly disturbing case, while Havers and DS Winston Nkata look behind the peaceful façade of country life to discover a twisted world of desire and deceit. Full of shocks, intensity and suspense from first page to last, A Banquet of Consequences reveals both Lynley and Havers under pressure, and author Elizabeth George writing at the very height of her exceptional powers.


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