
Fremdsprachige Romane


Stadtbibliothek Göppingen
1. OG - Sprachen
Autor:Joyce, Jessica
Titel:You, with a view
Verfasserangabe:Jessica Joyce
Erschienen:London : Penguin Books, 2023. - 369 Seiten - 20 cm
Preis:12,50 Euro
Standort:Englisch Joyc
Annotation:Two weeks on the road... stuck in a car with your high-school enemy. Noelle Shepard is grieving the loss of her beloved grandmother when she discovers decades-old photos and letters that hint to a forbidden love in her gram's past. Needing to know the full story, she creates a TikTok video appealing for information - and it goes viral. Through her video, she manages to track down her grandmother's secret love, Paul, who offers to take her on the honeymoon road-trip he and Gram planned but never got to go on. Noelle jumps at the chance to make this one last connection with her grandmother. There's just one problem - Paul's grandson is Noelle's frustratingly handsome high-school rival Theo. And Theo has to come, too. It's only two weeks. Surely Noelle can survive that long? But with one car between them - and often only one bed - it doesn't take long for things to heat up... Noelle vermisst ihre verstorbene Großmutter und als sie alte Fotos von ihr entdeckt, macht sie über Tiktok Paul, ihre große Liebe, ausfindig. Paul lädt Noelle ein, mit ihm die Reise zu machen, die er mit Gram geplant hat. Einziger Haken, Pauls Enkel Theo ist Noelles Highschool-Rivale und er käme auch mit.


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