
Fremdsprachige Romane


Stadtbibliothek Göppingen
1. OG - Sprachen
Autor:Finn, A. J.
Titel:End of Story
Verfasserangabe:A. J. Finn
Erschienen:London : HarperCollins, 2024. - 408 Seiten
Preis:19,60 Euro
Standort:Englisch Finn
Annotation:This is the chilling invitation from Sebastian Trapp, renowned mystery novelist, to his long-time correspondent Nicky Hunter, an expert in detective fiction. Welcomed into his lavish San Francisco mansion, Nicky begins to unravel Trapp's life story under the watchful eyes of his enigmatic wife and plainspoken daughter. But Sebastian Trapp is a mystery himself. And maybe - probably - a murderer. Two decades ago, his first wife and son vanished, the case never solved. Is the master of mystery playing a deadly game? If so, who will be the loser? And when a body surfaces in the family's garden, they all realize the past isn't buried - it's waiting.


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