
Fremdsprachige Romane


Stadtbibliothek Göppingen
1. OG - Sprachen
Autor:Macomber, Debbie
Titel:It's better this way
Titelzusatz:a novel
Verfasserangabe:Debbie Macomber
Erschienen:New York : Ballantine Books, 2022. - 321 Seiten - 18 cm
Preis:9,50 Euro
Standort:Englisch Maco
Annotation:Julia möchte nach der Trennung von ihrem Ehemann mit ihren beiden Töchtern einen Neuanfang wagen. Doch Männer sollen dabei erstmal keine Rolle spielen. Als sie im Fitnessstudio Heath kennen lernt, gerät dieser Vorsatz jedoch ins Wanken ... It's been nearly six years since Julia Jones had her heart broken. After her husband became involved with another woman, she did everything she could to save their marriage, to no avail. The couple's two daughters continue to stand by Julia in the wake of their father's behavior and they've had a tough time getting along with the other woman who's become their stepmother. Distraught after selling the family home, Julia moves into a condominium complex that offers the warmth and charm of a fresh start. Now, having settled into her new community and sold her successful interior design business, she's embraced a fulfilling new life, one that doesn't seem to need a man in it. Her beloved father's trusty saying is ringing truer than ever: It's better this way. But when Julia meets a handsome new resident in the building's exercise room, she can't help but be drawn to him. Heath Wilson is a welcome change from the men she's encountered on the occasional mostly disastrous dates her sister has eagerly planned for her over the years. As she and Heath, a divorcé himself, begin to grow close, their friendship blossoms into an unexpected love. However, they soon realize that combining families proves to be a challenge, even though their four children are adults. When a dramatic revelation threatens the happiness they've found, Julia and Heath must reconcile their love for their children with their love for each other. If they can't, their bright future together may be nothing but a dream.


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