
Fremdsprachige Romane


Stadtbibliothek Göppingen
1. OG - Sprachen
Autor:Swan, Karen
Titel:The Last Summer
Reihe/Zeitschrift:(Wild Isles ; 1)
Verfasserangabe:Karen Swan
Erschienen:London : Pan Books, 2023. - 475 Seiten. - Karte - 20 cm
Preis:11,50 Euro
Standort:Englisch Swan
Annotation:St. Kilda, 1930. Effie ist fasziniert von Lord Sholto, dre auf der Insel Urlaub macht, doch kurz darauf wird die Insel evakuiert und sie verlieren sich aus den Augen. Doch schon bald begegnen sie sich erneut und plötzlich wird ihre junge Liebe von dunklen Geheimnissen überschattet. Summer on St Kilda - a wild, remote Scottish island. In the 1930s, two strangers from drastically different worlds meet . . . Wild-spirited Effie Gillies has lived all her life on the small island of St Kilda. But when Lord Sholto, heir to the Earl of Dumfries, visits, the attraction between them is instant. For one glorious week she guides the handsome young visitor around the isle, falling in love for the first time - until a storm hits and her world falls apart. Three months later, St Kilda lays silent as the islanders are evacuated for a better life on the mainland. With her friends and family scattered, Effie is surprised to be offered a position working on the Earl's estate. Sholto is back in her life but their differences now seem insurmountable, even as the simmering tension between them grows . . . Then, when a shocking discovery is made back on St Kilda, all her dreams for this bright new life are threatened by the dark secrets Effie and her friends thought they had left behind. Opposites attract in this epic and spellbinding novel, which transports us from the untamed beauty of St Kilda to the glamour and intrigues of high society in the 1930s.


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(bis 08.10.2024)


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