
Fremdsprachige Romane


Stadtbibliothek Göppingen
1. OG - Sprachen
Autor:Fforde, Katie
Titel:A Wedding in the Country
Verfasserangabe:Katie Fforde
Erschienen:London : Penguin Books, 2022. - 451 Seiten - 18 cm
Preis:10,50 Euro
Standort:Englisch Ffor
Annotation:London, 1963. Lizzie ist gerade angekommen, um hier eine Kochausbildung zu machen. Schon bald lässt sie sich von der Großstadt mitreißen, sie lässt sich die Haare schneiden und kauft sich eine Hose. Und die Heiratspläne, die ihre Mutter für sie hat, interessieren sie überhaupt nicht. Eher der junge Mann, den sie kürzlich kennen gelernt hat ... Lizzie has just arrived in London, determined to make the best of her new life. Her mother may be keen that she should have a nice wedding in the country to a Suitable Man chosen by her. And Lizzie may be going to cookery school to help her become a Good Wife. But she definitely wants to have some fun first. It is 1963 and London is beginning to swing as Lizzie cuts her hair, buys a new dress with a fashionably short hemline, and moves in with two of her best friends, one of whom lives in a grand but rundown house in Belgravia which has plenty of room for a lodger. Soon Lizzie's life is so exciting that she has forgotten all about her mother's marriage plans for her. All she can think about is that the young man she is falling in love with appears to be engaged to someone else ...


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