
Fremdsprachige Romane


Stadtbibliothek Göppingen
1. OG - Sprachen
Autor:Jackson, Lisa
Titel:The Girl Who Survived
Verfasserangabe:Lisa Jackson
Erschienen:Paperback edition - London : Hodder, 2023. - 374 Seiten - 20 cm
Preis:12,50 Euro
Standort:Englisch Jack
Annotation:Seit sie als Kind ein schreckliches Massaker überlebt hat, bei dem ihre Familie starb, versucht Kara McIntyre Normalität in ihr Leben zu bringen. 20 Jahre sind seither vergangen und ihr Bruder, der damals für die Morde verurteilt wurde, ist jetzt aus dem Gefängnis entlassen worden. All her life, she's been the girl who survived. Orphaned at age seven after a horrific killing spree at her family's Oregon cabin, Kara McIntyre is still searching for some kind of normal. But now, twenty years later, the past has come thundering back. Her brother, Jonas, who was convicted of the murders has unexpectedly been released from prison. The press is in a frenzy again. And suddenly, Kara is receiving cryptic messages from her big sister, Marlie-who hasn't been seen or heard from since that deadly Christmas Eve when she hid little Kara in a closet with a haunting, life-saving command: Don't make a sound. As people close to her start to die horrible deaths, Kara, who is slowly and surely unraveling, believes she is the killer's ultimate target. Kara survived once. But will she survive again? How many times can she be the girl who survived?


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