
Fremdsprachige Romane


Stadtbibliothek Göppingen
1. OG - Sprachen
Autor:Myracle, Lauren
Titel:The Backward Season
Titelzusatz:A Wishing Day novel
Reihe/Zeitschrift:(Wishing Day ; 3)
Verfasserangabe:Lauren Myracle
Erschienen:New York : Harper Paperbacks, 2019. - 293 Seiten
Preis:8,00 Euro
Standort:Englisch Myra
Annotation:When Ava Blok's mother returned to Willow Hill after a long, mysterious absence, Ava hoped her family's suffering would instantly disappear. Her older sisters, Natasha and Darya, weren't so certain, but that's only because they don't possess Ava's unbridled optimism and her belief that there's good in everyone - even the people who don't believe in magic. But now that Ava's own Wishing Day is approaching, her hope is wavering. Her sisters made their wishes months ago, yet their family is in more trouble now than ever before. Mama still hasn't told Papa that she's back, and Papa is falling in love with someone else. None of that was supposed to happen! Ava is determined to fix things once and for all, and she vows not to repeat the mistakes of the Blok girls who've gone before her. Her plan is dangerous, however. In order to save her family, Ava will have to rewind time, traveling backward to the long-ago moment when things went so very wrong. If her plan works, all will finally be set right. If it fails? All will be lost . . . including Ava herself.


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