
Fremdsprachige Romane


Stadtbibliothek Göppingen
1. OG - Sprachen
Autor:Roberts, Nora
Verfasserangabe:Nora Roberts
Erschienen:London : Piatkus, 2023. - 506 Seiten
Preis:11,50 Euro
Standort:Englisch Robe
Annotation:When he was nine, and his mother had her first deadly dance with cancer, Harry became a thief. Someone had to find food and pay the mortgage even if his mother was too sick to work. When his mother finally succumbs to cancer, Harry leaves Chicago but somehow he can't quite leave all of his past behind. Harry lives a quiet, careful, rootless life - he can't afford to attract attention or get attached - until he meets Miranda. But just when Harry thinks he has a chance at happiness his old life comes back to haunt him. Harry has had dealings with some bad people in his past but none more dangerous than Carter LaPorte and Harry is forced to run. But no matter what name he uses or where he goes, Harry cannot escape. If he is ever going to feel safe Harry must face down his enemy once and for all. Only then can he hope to possess something more valuable than anything he has ever stolen. Während seiner Kindheit musste Harry Booth mit krummen Methoden seine krebskranke Mutter und sich ernähren und wurde so zum talentierten Dieb. Als er sich jetzt in Miranda Emerson verliebt, versucht er auszusteigen und sie vor seinem gefährlichsten Auftraggeber zu retten. Wird ihm das gelingen?


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23/07447 Stadtbibliothek Göppingen Details entliehen
(bis 15.10.2024)


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