
Fremdsprachige Romane


Stadtbibliothek Göppingen
1. OG - Sprachen
Autor:Vincenzi, Penny
Titel:A Question of Trust
Verfasserangabe:Penny Vincenzi
Erschienen:London : Headline, 2018. - 598 S.
Preis:9,00 Euro
Standort:Englisch Vinc
Annotation:When a man is faced with a dilemma that threatens his principles, his reputation, his marriage and a child, what choices will he make? An irresistible novel from the No 1 bestselling Penny Vincenzi. A QUESTION OF TRUST is vintage Penny Vincenzi: rich with characters, life-changing decisions, love, desire and conflict. 1950s London. Tom Knelston is charismatic, working class and driven by ambition, ideals and passion. He is a man to watch. His wife Alice shares his vision. It seems they are the perfect match. Then out of the blue, Tom meets beautiful and unhappily married Diana Southcott, a fashion model. An exciting but dangerous affair is inevitable and potentially damaging to their careers. And when a child becomes ill, Tom is forced to make decisions about his principles, his reputation, his marriage, and most of all, his love for his child.


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(bis 09.10.2024)


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