
Fremdsprachige Romane


Stadtbibliothek Göppingen
1. OG - Sprachen
Autor:Atkins, Dani
Titel:Six days
Verfasserangabe:Dani Atkins
Erschienen:London : Head Zeus, 2023. - 400 Seiten
Preis:11,50 Euro
Standort:Englisch Atki
Annotation:He loves me... He loves me not... He loves me... Gemma knows that she and Finn are destined to be together. They are soulmates. But then, on their wedding day, he never arrives at the church. Gemma is convinced Finn wouldn't abandon her like this, even though he has disappeared once before. But back then he had a reason. She feels sure something terrible has happened, but no one else is convinced. Even the police aren't concerned, telling Gemma most people who disappear usually turn up in a week... assuming they want to be found, that is. For the next six days Gemma frantically searches for Finn, even though every shocking revelation is telling her to give up on him. Before long, even she begins to doubt her own memories of their love. How long can she hold on to her faith in Finn if everyone is telling her to let him go? Heute sollte Gemmas schönster Tag werden, doch ihr Verlobter Finn taucht nicht in der Kirche auf. Auch in den Tagen danach ist er unauffindbar. Hat Gemma sich so in ihm getäuscht? Gemma ahnt noch nicht, dass ihr nur sechs Tage bleiben, um ihre Liebe zu retten.


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